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February 15, 2009


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Deidre Michael

The kids will remember this for a long time! Thanks for sharing your ideas>


This was amazing... I really enjoyed reading about it, I can only imagine how fun it was to actually BE there! :)

jj hunter

so creative! You took this theme to a whole new level!

davina saunders

Such a cute and creative take on the superhero party! I would love to use this idea for my son's upcoming 4th bday party that is going to be a superhero theme. I was going to try and hire a "superhero" to perform - but this idea sounds like a lot more fun (and although a lot more work - probably more economical than a superhero). Would you be willing to post or email me your templates (ie: the superhero academy certificate)? my email is [email protected]. Thanks for the great inspiration! Davina


I would love to do this for my son's 6th birthday party, thanks for posting all your ideas

Lindsay Roth

These are the best ideas I've found so far online. As requested above, would you mind sending me your templates for the academy logo, the Bat Cave, the certificate, Mightly Muscles, and Vaporize a villain? I am so impressed. What software did you use to create such amazing signs/logos?? My email is [email protected]. Your help would be much appreciated!!! My son's 4th birthday is coming up and he just loves superheroes!!!! Thanks in advance.


Loved everything...I tried to find the masks, belt buckles, and cape templates but they are no longer available, do you by any chance still have them or know where I can find them? [email protected] Thanks!


I am interested in these templets also for my sons 5th birthday. [email protected]


I am interested as well in the templates if you are willing to share.



could you send the building sign please i seem to have lost it. We are doing a version of this party this weekend will let you know how it goes.


I need the links to the party again i have lost your e mail if you could please send them to me that would be great our party is sat and i am missing a few i guess i didnt download.
[email protected]


Thank you SO much for all this! I found somewhat similar ideas, but yours are far and above the most creative, fun, and especially appealing to me with their lack of licensed characters and inclusion of the mind element, too. Thanks for sharing all of your designs!

Nicole M.

This is amazing and truly and inspiration for the super hero party we are about to throw for our 4 year old. A question regarding the staff shirts - did you have to invert the logo to do the iron on printing and if so, could you send me a copy of the logo inverted? I would be eternally grateful!!! Thanks.


Thank you so much for your generous addition of the logo images for the signs etc. That must have been a ton of work and you have saved me sooo much time! All the best to you!


Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration. Quick qestion - Can you please send me the template for the "Leap Buildings in a Single Bound" sign? Also I wanted to use the superhero certificate but is there anyway you could send it to me without the accomplishments at the bottom. Due to the time of year we have to keep everything indoors. Thank you so much!!!


where did you get the cityscape backdrop? info much appreciated!


By far the most creative SuperHero party I've found! I can re-create the graphics, but will probably steal some of the games. So fantastic, thanks so much for sharing!

Lisa Z

You are obviously a SUPERMOM! We throw some fantastic parties and I'm always looking for new ideas! I did a comic book for my son's superhero invitation. I created a videotape prior to the party with the evil villain threatening to destroy the world - with Iron Man and Spider Man asking the kids at my son's party to help. (I used my adult theater kids to star in the video). I was searching for game and cupcake ideas and came across your blog! Added it to favorites - great ideas! Thanks for Sharing!


You are a genious! Best ideas on line yet!
Would you be willing to sell me the the templates for your signs and graduation certificate
Thanks! kellie kellie at remycorp dot com


I am not seeing a download link for the "Leap Buildings" sign. I would love to use it! Could you put that link on if you still have it? Thank you so much! This saves me tons of time!!!

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