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« Barbershop | Main | Target Gift Card WINNER! »

March 24, 2009


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Great idea, maybe I'll use this for Harrison's birthday.


Cute idea and super easy! Thanks for sharing :)

Timeless Gourmet

What an absolutely gorgeous photo! They look simply fantastic.

Easter Gifts

Yum Yum Yum.. i will definatly try this on Easter . And will also send them as easter gift this year

Sara: Our Best Bites

How darling! I have a couple of those brownie pans, but I have yet to actually use them for brownies!

Robert-Gilles Martineau

Dear Friend!
Greetings from Shizuoka, Japan!
There aren't pixies or elves in Japan, but you had better look out! These little beauties are about to disappear! Believe the Old Dragon ogling all the way from his lair under an extinct volcano (Mount Fuji)!
Cheers and all that!

Jules from The Roost

Love this idea and can't wait to try it! The photo is beautiful!! =)

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